Всем привет, мы с мужем в январе уезжаем из Шанхая и пересдаем свою квартиру на Jiangsu Road, 2 и 11 ветки метро. Сделка напрямую с хозяевами квартиры, 8400 в месяц: первый месяц 8000. Очень чистая и теплая квартира, мы в ней прожили 2 года. Кому интересно, пишите мне в личку или вичат: ekaterinasalovskaia
My girlfriend and I are going to leave our current apartment for a bigger one. We stayed there almost two years. It took us three months and several dozens of visits to find it, it had been just fully redone when we moved in and we took great care of it, so it still looks very fresh and good.
Located on the third floor, the layout is perfect for a couple: one bedroom, one bathroom, a big kitchen, very functional, with a great oven, and a large living room with a terrace space, totally around 50m² (western way of counting). Unlike most of the places in Shanghai, the insulation here is perfect, thick walls, no drafts: windows all have proper joints and are all double layers glass CCC. There is one AC in the room and one in the living room, either in winter or in summer you can perfectly adjust the temperature to feel comfortable inside, and the heat or coolness remains for quite a while after you close the AC.
It is 5 minutes away to Jiang Su road subway station (line 2/11), location is simply perfect; also the residency, even though quite old, is very well taken care of, it does not give on the street at all, you access it by an alley => incredibly calm and silent.
Price is 8400RMB per month, one month deposit, three months of rent. We fully furnished it, so if interested we could leave everything to the future tenant for an agreed price. Only long term contract (8 months min), available beginning of January, around the 10th but could be discussed.
If interested, don’t hesitate to contact us via wechat: Olivier-32; ekaterinasalovskaia