Специальности магистратуры, преподаваемые полностью на англ.языке:
Control Science and Engineering/Mechanics
Research field: Navigation, Guide and Control, Control Theory and Control Engineering, Testing Technology and Automation Devices, Module Identification and Intelligence System, Systems Engineering, Flight Vehicle Dynamics and Control, Microcosmic and Nano Dynamics
Mechanical Engineering
Research field: Technology of Precision and Ultra-precision Manufacturing, Micro-Nano Manufacturing Technology, Special Processing Technology, Modern Design Theory and Method, Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology, Mechatronics System Control and its Automation, Robotics and its System, Theory of Friction and Applied Technology, Stability and Nonlinear Analysis in Machinery Structure, Production System Automation Technology, Production System Engineering Management
Material Science and Engineering
Research field: Metals and Metal Matrix Composites, Surface Engineering, Materials Conduct of Space Environment, Inorganic nonmetallic Materials, Composite Materials of Polymeric Matrix, Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures, Mesomechanics of Composite Materials, Functional Composites and Device, Biomedical Materials and Device, Solidification Science and Liquid Forming Technique, Plastic Formability Theory and Technique, Materials Joining Science and Technique
Environmental Science and Engineering
Research field: Environmental Chemistry Theory and Application, Environmental Biology Technique, Environmental Monitoring Techniques and Application, Water Pollution Control Theories and Technologies, Air Pollution Control Theory and Technology, Changing Waste into Resource and Reducing Waster Technology and Theory, Environmental Planning and Management, Restoration Theory and Technology of Pollution Environment
Business Administration
Research field: Technology Innovation and Management, Project Management Decision, Enterprise Operation and Strategy, Enterprise Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Modern Organization Theory, Marketing Theory and Practice, Accounting Theory and Practice, Financial Management Theory and Method
International Law
Research field: Public International Law, Private International Law, International Economic Law
Broadcasting& TV Art
Research field: Image Technique and Digital Media Art Pattern Research, Composite Media Interface Design Research, Engineering Aesthetics and Environmental Simulation Design Research
Arts Studies
Research field: History of World Art and Comparative Media Art Research, Comparative Study on Chinese and Foreign Movies and Advertisement Communication Mode, Digitized Image Technique and Art Research and Application, Digit Interactive Media and Interface Research
Требования к поступающим: возраст до 35 лет, наличие диплома бакалавра/специалиста. Вступительные экзамены: TOEFL выше 550, ITELS выше 5.5.
Документы: анкета вуза, копия диплома об образовании с оценками, рек.письма от двух профессоров, сертификат на знание англ.языка, копия паспорта, фото.